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考生们对于口试的了解和准备却远远落后于笔试。为了让广大学子在英语口语考试上做好最充分的准备,并在口语上理清思路、有效练习,范范老师今天就聊一聊口语那些事儿,希望能带大家飞起来。 Question:高考英语口语考什么? 考试分为两部分: 第一部分是以一篇小短文为基础,要求考生朗读指定段落,并能在不看短文的情况下回答主考老师就短文内容提出的若干问题。 第二部分是就日常生活或简单的社会问题提出一个可供考生自由发挥的话题,比如How do you spend your Spring Festival? Which place do you like to travel most? 考生做一个简短的口头作文,一般不少于十句话。 >> Part1 Pronunciation 不论哪一种口语考试,绝不会要求考生像英文播音员那样说话,标准无非就是正确、自然,不影响考官理解即可。要做到正确,就单词层面来讲,达到一个要求即可:元音一定要发准。范范在多年与学生打交道的过程中发现,但凡是发音不好听的,只要把元音纠正好了,英文的既听感可以提高好几个档次。 现在很多高效的发音软件可供学生练习,比如Ab精准美国英语音标,或者有道词典及各大背单词软件的发音功能都是很好的纠音工具。音标中的20个元音一定是需要多下功夫的地方。 PS: 范范的学生在出国以后常跟我交流,说“sheet”和“shit”,“beach”和“bitch”,“feast”和“fist”要是发不好元音/i:/ 和/i/,还真是要闹笑话的。另外,像经常容易搞混的/ei/ /e/ /?/也是元音重灾区,希望引起大家注意。 只要元音发好了,辅音难度不大,语音的问题就解决了一半了。 Tone 当然,想要在高考口试中拔得头筹,光靠单词的发音是远远不够的,因为我们说话毕竟不是一个字一个字往外蹦。读好单个单词只是万里长征的第一步,要想英文好听纯正,练好语调才是王道。 这里介绍一下范范训练学生语调的方法,仅供参考。 个人认为最好的语调训练材料是新闻,优点是语速稳定、语调标准又不夸张。 首先选定某个新闻媒体的稿子,范范喜欢在“普特”听力网每日听力栏目里下载BBC新闻(也可以是VOA等, PS: 如果是基础稍差的同学吃不消BBC新闻也可以下载VOA慢速英语进行重合性跟读,再或者,英语课本也是极好的材料。要强调的是,练此功需要耐性和韧性,长期坚持反复练习才有效果。范范的学生练习初期经常跟读得气都快喘不上了,但一个月过去以后,进步可是相当的明显。仅凭个人爱好),每天5分钟的新闻先帮助学生扫清单词障碍,熟悉文稿。这些只是准备工作而已,真正有效果的练习是跟读,即跟着播音员的声音读稿子。跟读到什么样的程度算合格呢?当你的声音和播音员的声音完全重合,耳朵里只听到有一条线的时候,就算成了。 要达到声音一条线,必须要跟上播音员的语速,语调也要跟播音员一模一样才可以二声合一。这比简单的播音员读一句你再读一句要更有效,因为这种方法相当于给你的语调找了一个模子 ——播音员的声音,长期这样的跟读迟早会对正确的语调形成记忆,当养成语调习惯以后即使没有播音员的声音,自己的语调也会像样的,就跟写书法先描红再临摹是一样的道理。 5W+1H 朗读完文段考官会进入下一个环节:对文章内容进行提问,考查学生归纳信息的能力。考官的问题一般遵循“5W+1H”原则, 即 Who,When,Where,What,Why 和How。一般抓住这六个点,整篇文章也就了然于胸了。对于这一环节的准备,平时可以找一篇350字左右的英语短文,在规定的时间内默读完,然后根据“5W+1H”原则自行设置问题,模拟考场情景,最好能有partner共同练习,效果会更好。 PS: 正式考试前有10分钟的准备时间,在这段时间之内考生一定要通读全文,而不能仅仅读带星号或其他符号的段落(带有符号标注的段落是考官需要考生朗读的内容)。有些考生由于缺少经验没有读完全文,当老师的提问涉及其他段落时,就会语塞答不上来。 >> Part2 口头作文是各位“烤鸭”的心头大患。范范在长期与学生进行托福雅思口语训练的过程中,发现了一个惊天大秘密,那就是很多学生在表达口语时,并不是英语不好,而真正阻碍他们流利表达的是中文问题!“纳尼!学了那么久的英文,居然是自己的母语成了障碍!”事实确是如此,不信的话,可以来做个测试。 假如现在遇到一个口语题目,比如托福口语中的 “Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the first impression is the most important when making friends?” 又或雅思口语中的 “Please describe an old object which your family has kept for a long time?” 再或高考口语中的 “Can you say something about your school life?” 三个题目任选一个,半分钟准备时间,请用中文,记住是中文,做一个2分钟的speech。 范范掐指一算,并不是每一个考生都可以顺利做出较高质量的中文作文,更何况英文呢。归其原因,就是因为大家拿到题目后,并不知道该说什么,就算是用母语,脑子里没货,平时生活中从来没有思考过题目上的问题,一样说不出个所以然来。因此范范才会说,影响口语表达的因素往往不是英语水平,而是中文!要想英语说得欢,范范就必须帮大家解决说什么的问题! 听好咯!你必须要做到的是:脸皮一定要厚,脑洞一定要大。 现在范范就给大家示范一下,怎么样避免拿到题目一脸懵圈的情况。全是干货,笑纳不谢。首先举几个题目作例子,也可以让大家熟悉一下一般高考口语会考什么口头作文题目。 1. What do you usually do at weekends? 2. Which teacher do you like best in senior high school? Why? 3. What’s your favorite TV program? 4. Which fi lm star do you like best? Why? 5. Do you like helping others? Why/ why not? 这五个题目是常见的高考口语题目, 乍一看并不难,但想说好不容易,想用最少的时间最少的精力背最少的文字就可以搞定这几个题目更不容易。要做到这一点,“烤鸭”们需要准备一个神奇的工具 —— 段子。 Step1:找段子 想想自己做没做过什么拿得出手的事情,一般为一个故事为好。没有?请厚着脸皮编也要编一个。 Step2:组织语言 例子如下: My grandfather, accompanied by me①be accompanied by sb由谁陪同sometimes, started to take family photos 5 years ago, not for our family but mostly for other strangers. At the very beginning I couldn’t understand how he came up with②come up with sth 想到什么such an idea. He told me that he had only one family photo with his parents and siblings all in it. But more unfortunately, many families in rural areas did not even have a single one. They had neither cameras nor smart phones. It was quite dif fi cult for them to take a family photo especially when many young or middle-aged family members became migrant workers③migrant workers 农民工in urban areas, getting apart from their parents or children. So my grandfather made a decision: take family photos for those rural families. 这个段子讲了一位grandfather为农村家庭拍全家福的故事。细心的同学会发现,段子里只有7句话,而考试要求的是十句,会不会达不到要求?不用担心,这只是一个段子的核心部分,需要留一些余地来与题目结合,在这个过程中还多少需要添加一些文字才能和题目无缝对接。 Step3:头脑风暴,脑洞大开 我们就以这个段子为例,看看能不能把上面的题目搞定。 1.What do you usually do at weekends? 答案示范: At weekends, I usually help my grandfather arrange, classify or process photos he has taken. My grandfather, accompanied by me sometimes, started to take family photos 5 years ago, not for our family but mostly for other strangers. At the very beginning I couldn’t understand how he came up with such an idea. He told me that he had only one family photo with his parents and siblings all in it. But more unfortunately, many families in rural areas did not even have a single one. They had neither cameras nor smart phones. It was quite difficult for them to take a family photo especially when many young or middle-aged family members became migrant workers in urban areas, getting apart from their parents or children. So my grandfather made a decision: take family photos for those rural families. Sometimes I couldn’t go together with my grandfather. But to help him fi nish his philanthropic project, I will usually spend my spare time at weekends dealing with the photos for him. 标红的字体表示在核心段子的基础上稍作的添加、改动。仔细观察会发现一个规律:改动添加一般会出现在一头一尾。第一句话点题:“周末我通常帮我grandfather整理分类处理他拍的照片”;最后一两句话把故事拉回来再次点题:“有时候我不能和grandfather一起去拍照片,但为了帮助他完成他的善举,我会花周末的空余时间帮他处理照片。”这就是为什么范范之前给的核心段子只有7句话的原因了,要给每一个题目留有点题的空间。 我们继续往下看第二个题目。 2.Which teacher do you like best in senior high school? Why? 有了第一个题目的提点和示范,第二个题目大家自己做起来也应该有头绪了吧。总之,不管问谁,“拍照片”都可以派上用场。 答案示范: Anderson, my teacher in my senior high school, is my favorite teacher, not because of what he taught to his students, in class, but for his philanthropic①project. Anderson started to take family photos 5 years ago, not for his family but mostly for other strangers. At the very beginning I couldn’t understand how he came up with such an idea. He told me that he had only one family photo with his parents and siblings all in it. But more unfortunately, many families in rural areas did not even have a single one. They had neither cameras nor smart phones. It was quite dif fi cultfor them to take a family photo especially when many young or middle-aged family members became migrant workers in urban areas, getting apart from their parents or children. So Anderson made a decision: take family photos for those rural families. He is such an exceptional②exceptional 特殊才能的,了不起的,超于常人的teacher for me. I have been inspired③inspire 鼓舞,启示a lot by his benevolence④benevolence 善举 仁慈. 当然,有了第一个题目的基础,最后也可以这样结尾:Sometimes I couldn’t go together with him. But to help him fi nish his philanthropic project, I will usually spend my spare time at weekends dealing with the photos for him. 大家经过仔细比对可以发现,只要有段子在手,只需要经过细微的改动,改头换尾,就是一个新题目。在这个答案中,第一句话点题:“我最喜欢的高中老师是Anderson,喜欢他不是因为他上课教给我们什么,而是因为他的一个善举。”最后两句再次点题:“他对于我来说是一个了不起的老师。我为他的善举深受鼓舞。”同样的道理,核心不变,一头一尾必须要点题! 这两个题目都是入门级别,学会这样的思路,再来看看难度系数高一点的第三个题目。 3.What’s your favorite TV program? 看起来好像是一个完全不相关的新题,其实与核心段子“拍照片”也可以有千丝万缕的联系,就看脑洞够不够大了。 答案示范: My favorite TV program is a talk show named What Is Your Story. I love it because I can hear some inspiring stories in the program. There was one story impressing me most. A grandfather, accompanied by his grandson sometimes, started to take family photos 5 years ago, not for his family but mostly for other strangers. At the very beginning I couldn’t understand how he came up with such an idea. He told the audience that he had only one family photo with his parents and siblings all in it. But more unfortunately, many families in rural areas did not even have a single one. They had neither cameras nor smart phones. It was quite difficult for them to take a family photo especially when many young or middle-aged family members became migrant workers in urban areas, getting apart from their parents or children. So the grandfather made a decision: take family photos for those rural families. In the talk show, there are many stories like this one which touch me a lot. This is why I love the show so much. 在这个答案中,第一句编造了一个talk show的名字,当然也可以是真实的一个电视节目名字。很多学生关于编造的内容都心存质疑,他们常常问范范是否可以这样做,我的答案是:完全可以!口语考查学生的能力永远着重在怎么说,而不是说什么,天马行空没什么不可以,用英文能天马行空反而是考生的本事。以这个答案为例,就认定有一个What Is Your Story 的节目,谁管得着呢?只要英文质量过关,不会有人过分在意。 请记住,用英文说谎话,也是一种语言能力。不是吗?吃下这颗定心丸,在答案准备过程中会轻松顺畅很多。其次,在这个答案中要强调的一点是,因为剧情需要,把核心段子中的he told me改成了he told the audience,所以大家对人称一定要小心。 第四个和第五个大家可以自行练习,看看是否能用这个段子做出来。 总之一句话: 不管考官问天问地问宿命,段子可以救你命。 结语:应试口语有技巧,思维模式要记牢,考前功夫要下足,积累沉淀不可少。
文章来源:《高考》 网址: http://www.gkzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0922/960.html
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